主旨 : Apply for authority to accees air availability and booking rights.


我們是oo旅行社, 地址是ooooooooooo


TIDS number: 99999999

Sabre PCC: 8888

我們有商務客及旅客需求要預定英國航空航班, 請協助開放讓我們可以查詢機位與預訂

如果還有需要提供什麼文件請再告知, 謝謝.


We are ooooo Travel Service Co., Ltd.

Our address is oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Unified Business number: 11111111

TIDS number: 99999999

Saber PCC: 8888

We have business customers and tourists who want to book British Airways flights.

Please help us to have authority to accees air availability and booking rights.

Please let me know if any document needed, thanks.

Thank you.